Natalie Bosman


The Unisure Group has seen tremendous staff growth in the last year. Within the Marketing Department, we’re delighted to announce that our Digital & Content Strategist, Natalie Bosman, was recently promoted to Head of Digital and Communications.

“My biggest goal, working in Digital and Communications, and within the Marketing department, is to help grow the Unisure brand and raise awareness around who we are and what we do,” Natalie says.

Natalie has worked as a journalist, in PR, in health communications, and at a creative agency servicing FMCG clients. What all of her roles have in common, however, is a love for writing and a willingness to stay on top of digital trends and embrace new and innovative ways of reaching an audience.

“I read a lot about new trends, experiment with new features and mediums, and push myself to learn new skills,” she explains. “As a communicator, I understand the power of storytelling, and I try to give Unisure a human face wherever possible. This is especially important working in an industry like insurance, which can be perceived as being cold, uncaring and impersonal. Unisure really is the opposite of this, but communicating this authentically to our audience is the trick.”

When it comes to authentic communication, Natalie walks the walk. There is an undeniable sense of approachability and reliability that Natalie provides within the Marketing Department, and that extends to every staff member she deals with too.

 “I work with an amazing team of people and I’m incredibly grateful to have good working relationships with all of them,” she enthuses.

Natalie loves reading and learning, and she and her colleagues in the Marketing department are constantly researching new trends, analysing what did (and didn’t work) in past campaigns, and optimising how they can best verbally and visually communicate to our global audience.

“It’s an incredibly exciting time for digital communications and we’re fortunate to be working with a growing global brand that is only going from strength to strength,” Natalie emphasises.

We are proud to have you as our mouthpiece, Natalie, and we’re excited to see the Digital & Communications division grow.

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