Louisa Chimpini


We’re delighted to welcome our newest Junior Administrator, Louisa Chimpini, to the Umatter International Private Medical Insurance (IPMI) team.

Someone as enthusiastic and bubbly as Louisa cannot help but make a great first impression. Not only is she an administrative whiz, joining the team at a particularly busy time of the year, but she’s an asset to our IPMI team because she’s eager to dive straight into the deep end and learn as much as she possibly can.

Louisa has two qualifications behind her name – Business Management and Food & Hospitality. While her hospitality experience certainly makes her a hit at any friend or family’s house when catering is required, it’s her Business Management skills that are standing her in good stead for her new role.

“I’m loving my job,” she says with a big smile. “Doing pricing reviews and claims reimbursements while learning about different countries and their currencies is all new to me, but I love being able to acquire new skills.”

While Louisa never imagined that she’d work within the insurance industry, she says that being a mother to her one-year-old daughter, Reabetswe, has changed her perspective.

“It’s not just about me anymore,” she explains. “Becoming a mother really changes your outlook on life and it makes me all the more appreciative of just how valuable and generous health insurance benefits like Umatter’s can be.”

Louisa is driven and ambitious and is looking forward to growing her career with Unisure, but for now, she’s happy to be part of a team that is making such a big impact on the African continent.

“Working at Unisure is so different and such a unique experience. The team is incredibly passionate about what they do and I’m proud to be working on a brand that has just recently launched in Kenya with the big goal of making quality healthcare more accessible and affordable for all. It doesn’t get much more inspiring than that.”

Thank you for your contagious enthusiasm and can-do attitude, Louisa. We all enjoy working with you and we’re sure that your career is going to flourish under the capable leadership of our passionate Umatter team members.

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