Rob Claudio


Rob Claudio has dedicated his career to the insurance industry, and we couldn’t be happier about the fact that he’s just joined the Unisure Group team as our new Head of Distribution in the Americas.

Rob was first introduced to insurance when a friend of his recommended he trade in his student bartending job for a call centre job as a broker. The rest, as they say, is history. 38 insurance licences and 15 years later, Rob has worked for well-known insurance names like Aetna and Cigna.

One might think that introducing The Unisure Group’s international health and life insurance solutions to new markets within the Americas would be an intimidating feat, but Rob is results-driven and passionate about what he does. He says that as long as he believes in the product he is selling, he can confidently pitch it to the right market.

“The Unisure Group prides itself on offering world-class international products and unparalleled customer service. I know we’re going to deliver on our promise, and that gives me the confidence to go into the market and pitch our product really deep.”

Rob lives an hour north of Miami with his wife and two children. He will be managing all of the distribution for Unisure’s health and life insurance products in the Americas (both on a group and individual level), and working with numerous distribution partners throughout Canada, the US, South America and the Caribbean.

He loves Unisure’s dynamic, agile approach to insurance and is looking forward to selling the company’s ability to deliver truly customised insurance solutions internationally.

“I’m really excited to have joined the team and cannot wait to start developing and growing Unisure’s share of the market in the Americas. One day I’d love for Unisure to be a household name, at the top of everyone’s list when they’re comparing products and services. I believe we can get there.”

Thank you for your passionate approach to insurance, Rob. We know that with you on board, the Unisure brand can only go from strength to strength.

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