Nkululeko ‘NK’ Ngqingo 


Nkululeko (‘NK’) Ngqingo wowed us all within the first week of joining our Johannesburg team as a Risk & Finance Associate. He’s a people’s person, through and through, and he navigates customers through the claims process as though he’s been in the insurance game for years. His cool and calm demeanour, combined with his passion for delivering excellence in every customer interaction, makes NK a very welcome addition to the Unisure Group team.

Boasting a B.Com Accounting Degree, NK kick-started his career as a contact centre agent and field researcher at Plus 94 Research (where he worked part-time to put himself through school). He then moved to Telesure Investment Holdings, where he took up the role of customer service consultant, and later, motor claims consultant. It’s here that he says the insurance bug first bit him.

As a Risk & Finance Associate for Unisure, NK’s primary focus is currently on risk assessments for a Worldwide Insurance car rental product. Unisure handles assessments and payments of car rental claims on behalf of Claim Ez, which allows NK a lot of interaction with customers on a daily basis.

“I learned early on in my career that great customer service is more than just a friendly hello and warm goodbye,” he explains. “Ultimately, customers want quick and effortless resolutions to their problems. So over and above being friendly and building rapport with the customers, I try and focus on the overall customer journey, making sure that the processes we have in place enable the delivery of an efficient customer experience, each and every time.”

NK has loved the move to Unisure, and he’s excited to learn more about all facets of the business in time.

“A colleague said to me that Unisure feels like someone scooped up all the best people in the world and put them in one place,” NK explains, “and that’s exactly how it feels. Everyone is passionate about what they do, and everyone here goes the extra mile. My goal is to learn as much as I can about the insurance industry so that I can contribute to Unisure’s growth and future success.”

Thank you for your impeccable work ethic and effortless customer expertise, NK. We love having you on the team and we look forward to seeing your career reach new heights at Unisure.  

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