Shane Wolvaardt


With Shane Wolvaardt joining our Umatter team as Claims Manager (Health), our International Private Medical Insurance (IPMI) division is set for even greater success.

Shane boasts over 20 years’ worth of experience in medical aid administration and insurance. Since the age of 18, he has held numerous positions in the industry, including Specialised Claims Assessor, Claims Administrator and Claims Manager. He has devoted his career to medical insurance and is incredibly passionate about the impact that it can have on an individual’s life.

“Medical costs can become extremely costly, extremely quickly,” Shane explains. “Without health insurance, the majority of people unfortunately cannot afford the care they need. And it’s exactly when you need cover the most that you shouldn’t be worried about increasing medical expenses and how you’re going to pay for them.”

As Unisure’s Claims Manager, Shane is responsible for overseeing and managing all operational areas within our IPMI division concerning claims assessment and processing, as well as the issuing of indicative quotes. He’s excited about the challenges that lie ahead in this career-defining role and says that the international experience he’s gaining at Unisure is proving to be invaluable.

“Working at Unisure has been amazing thus far,” he says. “I’m honoured to be a part of this team and have really experienced first-hand that Unisure cares about its people; both clients and staff members. Our company ethos of delivering healthcare with a human touch really rings true.”

Your experience, passion and dedication is remarkable, Shane. Thank you for being a part of our IPMI team and helping us grow our Umatter brand to be one of the best corporate medical insurance offerings in the world.

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